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We are excited to bring our stakeholders the FHSCyberLib website! This online library will continue to be a work-in-progress, and we respectfully solicit your input and questions about our school library media program. In an on-going effort to provide our students and teachers with 21st century skills and resources, we have developed this digital collection of resources and links that we hope provide many opportunities for continued growth and success.


We know how valuable digital access and digital resources are in developing students who are workforce and career-ready upon graduation. With a wealth of quality resources on the Internet, even though many are hard to find, we curate those that will support and extend our curriculum. As we work alongside teachers in the teaching and learning process within our schools, we endeavor to provide a "learning commons" area within our media center and our cyberlibrary. Fortunately all Alabamians have access to the Alabama Virtual Library and its databases for reference works and researching. Alabama students also have access to Live Homework Help, a free resource provided by the Alabama Public Library Service.


Please look over our site and let us know what you think!





​June Chandler

School Librarian, LMS

Learning Commons

What is a learning commons and how does it apply to a school library media center of the 21st century?


Our Vision

Bringing about success by helping teachers teach and students learn.

Our Mission

To provide a 21st Century "Learning Commons" Program that focuses on collaboration, creation, and communication for our teachers and students serving them as a central place where all learners have a flexible area for using information technology, access to online education, tutoring, a place designed for collaboration, content creation, meetings and reading or study.

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